Monday, July 30, 2007

Countdown to vacation...

The laminate floors are in and they look great. I'll post some pics, hopefully soon...


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harbinger of death...

The Grim Reaper would take the form of a cat...

Uses for Coffee Grounds.

I know, I know, why do I keep reading Ruth Ann Dailey's editorials? I guess to see what kind of nonsense she comes up with next. In this one about the Duquesne School District, that was just disbanded at the high school level, she talks about ways to revitalize the community and keep the school open. Ms. Dailey, have you been to Duquesne recently? Probably not; the reason: its a dump. A town in its last throws of death, of which the closing of the high school is just one of the last remaining nails to be driven into the coffin. The poverty, violent crime and rampant crack addiction have made travel there almost suicide for non-residents, especially those of Ms. Daily's ilk. Ms. Dailey, please continue to worry about your own community and allow Duquesne to slip silently (as possible) into the night.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Animal sculptures

Made of steel...yes, James...STEEL!!!!!

Real life Scrooge, he's British and everything! (Correction, Scottish, but close)

Hilarious stories from a Blockbuster employee. I know, I know, its a long read; but it pays off in the end.

Virtual Drinking Buddy - be sure to "make a toast"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Going unrecognized...

The greatest person on Earth that you've never heard of...

While development has not proceeded, it is one of 3 new potential WalMart sites currently happening within a 15 minute drive of my house.

The many uses of vinegar.

Check out my links further down on the right hand side. These are mostly informative and/or great sites that I've found, mostly through StumbleUpon. Don't know what is? Check it here and add me to your network.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Punishment should fit the crime...

I'm sure that alligators would be just as unforgiving to Mr. Braddy...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


As those of you who read my blog have probably noticed, there is a Pittsburgh Bloggers icon on the right hand side. I am a member and a link to this blog can be found on their site. Nothing new here, its been there awhile. While I generally think Pittsburgh Bloggers is a fantastic idea, I realize now whats wrong with it: 99% of the blogs listed with Pittsburgh Bloggers are bloody awful. Not that I'm trying to be on a high-horse, I don't particularly think this blog is great either, but there are some damn terrible blogs coming out of Pittsburgh. As a matter of fact, after checking out a large number of those listed, I can't say there is one that I will return to. Most of the blogs have not been updated in months, let alone have anything remotely interesting posted.

I hope that someone has found some satisfaction with at least one of my posts. If not, let me know and I'll try harder. I don't know, maybe I'll start posting porn or something. Thanks for all the comments, all 5 of them! To be honest, I don't have unreasonable expectations. Most of my readers are close friends and family members and thats cool with me.

Awesome family tree site.

Bush's 'Ideals' ruining this country...

"What is clear is that this administration wouldn't tax the devil to help a good cause, and certainly not Big Tobacco."

Monday, July 16, 2007

About time...

Why is there even a debate about this? This should have been on the books for decades. I applaud Councilman Motznik for bringing this up for a vote.

Pics or it didn't happen!

Human evolution in action...

Nappy-ass weave costs beauty contestant her crown...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kelly Clarkson

Wow, Kelly Clarkson, created by Fox's American Idol garbage-entertainment juggernaut turns out to seem somewhat intelligent. I may not like her music, but she seems smarter than most other manufactured entertainers. Who knew?

A little civility goes a long way...

Evolution of the mammal snout...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More on the 'Pizza Bomber'

Thanks to Dave for digging this stuff up:

Actual video of the bomb exploding and killing Brian Wells


Here is more on the story of an Erie man who was killed when a bomb that was strapped around his neck exploded, killing him. I mentioned this a few months ago and the investigation has been going on for a few years. Its a crazy story, you just have to read it.

Wow, the entire series of notes (some heavily edited) given to Brian Wells and photos of the objects used, including the bomb, can be found here!

I agree with this editorial on wages for home-health aides, but they are not the only ones who deserve to receive at least minimum wage. Right now, businesses are not required to pay the new $7.15 minimum to part-time workers. Also, small businesses are not required to meet the minimum, for the immediate future. Aren't part-time employees and employees of small businesses entitled to the same privileges as everyone else? This is a perfect example of legislation favoring business and not the working men and women of this country who struggle to overcome poverty.

Baby mammoth discovered in Siberian permafrost. Looks like we'll see a live mammoth in our lifetime.

Oh, the irony...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Where do these people come from?

Ruth Ann Dailey lives in a different reality than I do. Please read this and let me know if I alone think its unfocused and ridiculously pro-life. I read her column quite regularly, and find myself wondering who pays her for her awful opinions? Every 'straight-thinking american' that I know would think this editorial to be absurd. She seems to have totally missed the point of Mr. Toobin's statement when he points to 'extraordinary risk to the ...fetus'. I must admit, that not having read anything of Mr. Toobin's statements other than what is in Ms. Dailey's editorial it is painfully obvious that he meant that the fetus has very little chance of survival BEFORE the abortion procedure.
While I do agree that partial-birth abortion seems cruel and mostly unnecessary, I'm sure that it is not a decision that is easily made, or happily performed by any doctor arbitrarily. I've stated this opinion before and I will again, unless you have been in a situation in which abortion was a legitimate option, than you do not have any right to question whether or not it should be legal. Judging by Ms.Dailey's biography posted online, I would find it hard to believe that she was ever in such a situation.

Friday, July 6, 2007

And I thought nothing would come of this...

Updates on the 'DC Madam' story here. We may get to see this list after all. I really want to see if there are politicians on this list that called for Clinton's impeachment. Will the MSM bring this to light? I'll keep tabs here.

Snoop the bloke.

Was Annie caught on film and put on the Huffington Post?

It may not have violated ethics rules, but it was an asshole move and has begun to turn people against our celebrity obsessed mayor.

Anyone who has followed the progress of invasive species in the Great Lakes will be aware that this editorial is a quarter-century late and a billion dollars short.

Stay far away from the convention center this weekend. You've been warned.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Backwards US MSM...

Why am I hearing about this story from an Australian news site?

Biggest spider ever...this would make Matt Casey's head explode.

Good news in downtown Pittsburgh living...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Even Cleveland's wild animals suck...

Being from Pittsburgh, hating all things from Cleveland, OH is a birthright. This includes everything, even its poor excuse for wild animals. I was delighted to find this story in the news today about Pitt and Cleveland's peregrine falcons. This is honestly the best story I've read all week.

Interesting comments on a study done by The Center on Race and Social Problems entitled "Pittsburgh's Racial Demographics: Differences and Disparities".

Monday, July 2, 2007

Internet ADD...

Had a serious case of internet ADD lately. No noteworthy headlines or interesting finds to really comment on.

I read that the bombs in the UK, while kind of frightening, were not powerful enough to really be a threat. The whole Paris Hilton thing and the presidential debates have been wearing thin on my patience.

While Larry King did get a bump in ratings for the Paris interview, was it really worth marginalizing himself further? I don't know anybody under the age of 54 who watches this guy (the 'rents apparently still tune in from time to time, hence the age justification).

I'll try to get back on the ball this week...