Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Law enforcement (and reporting) at its worst...

Caught this article on MSNBC today about drug dealers targeting children with drugs cut with candy. This is a perfect example of law enforcement and the media not having a clue about how to interpret or deal with illegal drugs. The fact that a police officer truly believes that a drug dealer sits around wondering, "How am I going to get rid of all these drugs? I know! I'll cut them with candy and try to market them to children." just shows how out-of-touch with reality they really are. Hey! Wake up! Drugs sell themselves, there is no marketing involved. Are drugs more readily used by younger and younger people? Yes, they are more readily available, especially in the inner cities of this country.

I work in a setting where I deal with the inner city population on a daily basis. I hear the talk, know the language and stories inside out. The only things a "career" drug dealer worries about are 1) How much money can I make with what I have? 2) Can I get more? and 3) What am I going to buy with all this money?

This is all The Sydney Morning Herald is going to give us?

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