Monday, April 21, 2008

4 Signs I Should Have Stayed Home Today...

1) My son through an absolute fit going to daycare this morning.
2) My regular bus was abnormally packed this morning, including a straight-from-the-trailer couple who saved their half smoked cigarettes, which filled the entire bus with a putrid stink, and argued the entire way to town.
3) A woman got on the bus this morning with a cat in a box...a live a box. I guess she wasn't worried about other peoples' allergies.
4) Hillary Clinton is having a rally 2 blocks away from my office at lunch time.

...and this was supposed to be my day off.

Texas Polygamists

20+ Windows Vista Features and Services Harvest User Data for Microsoft

- From your machine!

We may truly be the unwanted child of the universe.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

And we're back...

Sorry for the lull in posts. Work and a general distaste for the current state of the union has been weighing heavily on my shoulders. I've been taking solace in my family and laying off the web browsing as much as possible. I read a great post today, which you can find here. Best line:

"Johnny, it used to be you could be sure of one thing in this life: if you worked hard every day, went to church on Sunday, and voted Democratic, your kids could have a better life than you did. Now that's all over, and nobody even says nothin' about it! The Republicans don't care. The Democrats don't care...John--you managed to get out of here, so you must be smart...What the hell happened to this country?"

Five Lost Cities of the Future. Detriot, which I recently had the pleasure of visiting and is on this list, is clearly in bad shape. The mayor is a hustler with a huge entourage (someone should remind him that he is in Detroit), crime is rampant, there is literally no work with the exception of healthcare, and the biggest construction project being undertaken there is an enormous bridge to Canada! Sweet freedom! The reason why the healthcare field is booming is because the 50% of the peak population that still resides there is too sick to leave!